ContainerPrintable: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Wir können den zu druckenden Container im Konstruktor der Klasse "ContainerPrintable" übergeben.
Das Drucken geschieht in Segmenten, die eine Höhe von 10 haben.
Wir können die Segmenthöhe mit der Methode setSegmentHeight(..) anpassen.
Wir können das eigentliche Drucken über eine der ContainerPrintable.print(..) Methoden veranlassen.
Wenn kein Printdialog erwünscht ist, rufen wir ContainerPrintable.setPrintDialog(false) auf
bevor wir eine der ContainerPrintable.print(..) Methoden aufrufen.
Die Klasse "ContainerPrintableDemo" zeigt ein Anwendungsbeispiel:
Das Druckbild sieht so aus (zwei Seiten):

Version vom 6. September 2011, 12:51 Uhr

Wir können den zu druckenden Container im Konstruktor der Klasse "ContainerPrintable" übergeben.

Das Drucken geschieht in Segmenten, die eine Höhe von 10 haben.

Wir können die Segmenthöhe mit der Methode setSegmentHeight(..) anpassen.

Wir können das eigentliche Drucken über eine der ContainerPrintable.print(..) Methoden veranlassen.

Wenn kein Printdialog erwünscht ist, rufen wir ContainerPrintable.setPrintDialog(false) auf bevor wir eine der ContainerPrintable.print(..) Methoden aufrufen.

Die Klasse "ContainerPrintableDemo" zeigt ein Anwendungsbeispiel:


Das Druckbild sieht so aus (zwei Seiten):


<code=java> /*

* We can pass the container to be printed in the constructor.
* The printing is done in segments of height 10.
* We can adapt the segment height using method setSegmentHeight(..)
* We can do the actual printing by calling one of the ContainerPrintable.print(..) methods.
* If no print dialog is desired, we call ContainerPrintable.setPrintDialog(false)
* before calling one of the ContainerPrintable.print(..) methods.

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.print.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.util.logging.*; import javax.print.attribute.*; import javax.print.attribute.standard.*;

public class ContainerPrintable implements Printable {

   private Container container;//The container to print
   private int segmentHeight = 10;//The container's segment height
   private int totalWidth;//To save total width.
   private int last = -1;//The most recent page index asked to print
   private int segment = 0;//The next segment to print
   private final Rectangle clip = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);//To store an area to be printed
   private final Rectangle tempRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
   static private PrintRequestAttributeSet attr;
   private static boolean printDialog = true;

   public ContainerPrintable(final Container container) {
       this.container = container;
       totalWidth = container.getWidth();

   public int print(final Graphics graphics, final PageFormat pageFormat, final int pageIndex)
           throws PrinterException {
       final int imgWidth = (int) pageFormat.getImageableWidth();
       final int imgHeight = (int) pageFormat.getImageableHeight();
       if (imgWidth <= 0) {
           throw new PrinterException("Width of printable area is too small.");
       // the amount of vertical space available for printing the container
       int availableSpace = imgHeight;
       if (availableSpace <= 0) {
           throw new PrinterException("Height of printable area is too small.");
       // we need a scale factor to fit the container's entire width on the page
       double scaleFactor = 1.0D;
       if (totalWidth > imgWidth) {
           scaleFactor = (double) imgWidth / (double) totalWidth;
       while (last < pageIndex) {
           if (segment >= getSegmentCount()) {// if we are finished with all segments
               return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
           int scaledHeight = (int) (availableSpace / scaleFactor);
           // calculate the area of the container to be printed for this page
       // translate into the coordinate system of the pageFormat
       Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) graphics;
       g2d.translate(pageFormat.getImageableX(), pageFormat.getImageableY());
       // constrain the container output to the available space
       tempRect.x = 0;
       tempRect.y = 0;
       tempRect.width = imgWidth;
       tempRect.height = availableSpace;
       // if we have a scale factor, scale the graphics object to fit the entire width
       if (scaleFactor != 1.0D) {
           g2d.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
           // otherwise, ensure that the current portion of the container is centered horizontally
       } else {
           int diff = (imgWidth - clip.width) / 2;
           g2d.translate(diff, 0);
       // store the old transform and clip for later restoration
       AffineTransform oldTrans = g2d.getTransform();
       Shape oldClip = g2d.getClip();
       // print the current section of the container
       g2d.translate(-clip.x, -clip.y);
       // restore the original transform and clip
       return PAGE_EXISTS;

   private int getSegmentCount() {
       int height = container.getHeight();
       int count = height / segmentHeight;
       if (count * segmentHeight < height) {
       return count;

   public void setSegmentHeight(final int segmentHeight) {
       this.segmentHeight = segmentHeight;

   public int getSegmentHeight() {
       return segmentHeight;

   public static void setPrintDialog(boolean printDialog) {
       ContainerPrintable.printDialog = printDialog;

   public static boolean isPrintDialog() {
       return printDialog;

   private void nextClip(final int pageHeight) {
       clip.x = 0;
       clip.y += clip.height;// adjust clip to the top of the next set of segments
       clip.height = 0;// adjust clip height to be zero
       // fit as many segments as possible, and at least one
       int segmentCount = getSegmentCount();
       do {
           clip.height += segmentHeight;
           if (segment >= segmentCount) {
       } while (clip.height + segmentHeight <= pageHeight);
       clip.width = totalWidth;

   static public void print(final Printable printable) {
       print(printable, true);

   static public void print(final Printable printable, final boolean portrait) {
       print(printable, portrait, new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10));

   static public void print(final Printable printable, final boolean portrait,
           final Insets insets) {
       PrinterJob pjob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
       // create an attribute set to store attributes from the print dialog
       if (attr == null) {
           attr = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
           float leftMargin = insets.left;
           float rightMargin = insets.right;
           float topMargin =;
           float bottomMargin = insets.bottom;
           if (portrait) {
           } else {
               leftMargin =;
               rightMargin = insets.bottom;
               topMargin = insets.right;
               bottomMargin = insets.left;
           MediaSize mediaSize = MediaSize.ISO.A4;
           float mediaWidth = mediaSize.getX(Size2DSyntax.MM);
           float mediaHeight = mediaSize.getY(Size2DSyntax.MM);
           attr.add(new MediaPrintableArea(
                   leftMargin, topMargin,
                   (mediaWidth - leftMargin - rightMargin),
                   (mediaHeight - topMargin - bottomMargin), Size2DSyntax.MM));
       boolean dialogOk = true;
       if (printDialog) {
           dialogOk = pjob.printDialog(attr);
       if (dialogOk) {
           try {
           } catch (PrinterException ex) {
               Logger.getLogger(ContainerPrintable.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

} </code=java> <code=java> /*


import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*;

public class ContainerPrintableDemo extends JFrame {

   private JButton btPrint;
   private final JPanel testPanel;
   public ContainerPrintableDemo() {
       btPrint = new JButton("Print...");
       btPrint.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
           public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) {
               ContainerPrintable.print(new ContainerPrintable(testPanel));
       getContentPane().add(btPrint, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
       testPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1));
       for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
           testPanel.add(new JLabel("TEST " + i));
       getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(testPanel), BorderLayout.CENTER);
       setSize(400, 600);
   public static void main(final String[] args) {
       Runnable gui = new Runnable() {
           public void run() {
               new ContainerPrintableDemo().setVisible(true);
       //GUI must start on EventDispatchThread:

} </code=java>